C.V eng

Artist HUR  Kyung-Ae (Lives and works in Paris)
Born in 1977 in Gwang-Ju, South Korea,
Portable +33 (0) 6 5044 5368
2009 M.F.A, in Fine Arts, University Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
2006 B.F.A, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Art Paris-Cergy, France, Diplôme d'Art Plastique
2002 M.F.A, in Printmaking, Sung-Shin Women's University, Seoul, Korea
2000 B.F.A, in Painting Chon-Nam National University, Fine Arts, Gwang-Ju, Korea

2011 Competition <Look at the promising Korean artists>, Centre culturel coréen, Paris

Grand Prize of the International Exhibitions Bureau, La Ferté Bernard, France
Prix du Conseil Municipal Youth, La Ferté Bernard, France

2008 Grand Prize, Mécénat Mulgam, Paris, France
2002 Prize International Competition in Bucharest Engraving, Romania
2002 National Competition Award Engraving, Seoul, Korea
1999 Competition Award National Art Moudeng, Engraving, Gwang-Ju, Korea
2010 Gallery Kumho, Gwang-Ju, Korea
2011 Gallery iconoclastes, Paris, France
2011 Gallery Rhema, Toulouse, France (Novembre 2011)
2011 Gallery Kalman maklary, Budapest, Hungary (December 2011)
2012 Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France (Mars 2012)
2012 Gallery Light, Seoul, Korea (May 2012)

<Feminine Expression>, Museum for Contemporary Art, Sofia, Bulgaria
<Marabout, Bout d'ficel>, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France
<Art Paris>, Grand Palais, Paris, France
<PAD - Pavillon des Arts du Design>, Paris, France

<BRAFA Brussels Antiques & Fine Arts Fair>, Brussels, Belgium

<Regards croisés>, Espace Tristan Bernard, Paris, France
<Korea artists in France>, Lee Gallery Berlin, Berlin, Germany
<Printemps Jaillissant>, Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France
<Salon-Art Shopping>, Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France

<Intime/Extime>, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France

<franco-coréennes>, Gallery89, Paris, France
<Festival international et grand prix de peinture>, La Ferté Bernard, France
<Corps oniriques, éclairs d'utopies>, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France

<25's Portfolio>, Gallery Atelier Gustave, Paris, France

2009 <Chemin de Rève>, Espace des arts sans frontières, Paris, France
<Contemporary Art & Vintage>, Gallery Young, Seoul, Korea
<Para-Frontière>, Korean Cultural Center, Busan, Korea
<Reflet>, Espace des arts sans frontières, Paris, France
<Pathos>, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France
<Festival Paris>, Gallery cinq étoiles, Paris, France

<F10>, Espace Tristan Bernard, Paris, France
<Paris-Pusan>, Génie de la Bastille, Paris, France
<on/off>, Open Center, New-York, USA
<Traces>, Korean Cultural Center, Paris, France


Print, Bucharest, Romania
Print, Gallery Kwanhoon, Seoul, Korea
Print, Gallery Sung-Shin, Seoul, Korea


Print, Association ARTEX, 15th edition, Tokyo, Japon
Installation, Gallery Kung-Dong, Gwang-Ju, Korea
Print and drawings, Gallery Namdo, Gwang-Ju, Korea

1999 Print and oil paintings, Gallery Yunbyun, Pékin, Chine
1999~1997 <Yook-in>, Gallery Moudeng, Gwang-Ju, Korea
1998 Woodcut and Silkscreen, Gallery Catholique, Gwang-Ju, Korea

Oil paintings, Gallery KBC, Gwang-Ju, Korea

2008 ~ Association of young Korean artist, France
2003 Association  ALMA, Print, Lyon, France